You can add indoor lights or turn on the Sun.Ī material is specified by its color, finish, transparency, texture, and bump. Default light refers to the directional rays of a light that acts like a lamp shining over your left shoulder. When you do not add any light sources to your scene, Rhino uses the default light. In the Properties panel, click on the Material tab to modify these attributes.

Until you add render color, highlight, texture, transparency, and bumps, objects will appear white. Rhino offers full-color rendering with lights, transparency, shadows, textures, and bump mapping. Here is a step-by-step guide about how to render in Rhino 3D. You will use the Render command since you are ready to render.

You have completed your design, but are you looking for step-by-step instructions on how to set up the rendering in Rhino 3D? In order to start rendering, you need to check your design for four features: Lights, Material, Environment, and Ground Plane.